The study on preparation technology of recycled concrete with economical and technical feasibility has gained more serious\nattention in each country due to its involvement and effect on the environment protection and the sustainable development of\nhuman society. In this study, we conducted a control variable test to investigate and assess the influence of the aggregate size on the\nstrength characteristics of concrete with different diameters of recycled aggregates. Concrete with recycled aggregates of 515mm\n(A), 1520mm (B), 2030mm (C), and their combinations were subjected to a series of unconfined pressure tests after curing for\n28 days. Based on the results obtained from the tests, an effort was made to study the relationship between the mechanical\ncharacteristics of recycled aggregate concrete and aggregate particle size. Also, a regression model of recycled concrete was\nproposed to predict the elasticity modulus and to adjust the design of mixture proportion. It is believed that these experiment\nresults would contribute to adjust the remediation mixture for recycling plants by considering the influence of recycled\naggregate size.